R.A. Stenoien; D. Roldan; T. Aharoni; L. Ayzenberg; R. Snir; L. Mori
The Challenge
An increase in demand for MRI Productivity scans at Houston Medical Imaging (HMI) prompted a Productivity and Service Quality improvement project. The project aimed to optimize the performance of 7 MRI scanners across 6 sites, in order to facilitate more scans and improve patient service, while preserving image and diagnostic quality
The Solution
HMI selected Medic Vision’s iQMR, among other solutions, to enable shorter MRI protocols and scan times for higher productivity. HMI radiologists mandated that the scan time reduction would not disrupt or impair image quality. iQMR was implemented on five MRI scanners: two Siemens Skyra 3T, two Siemens Avanto 1.5T, and Hitachi Oasis 1.2T.
iQMR is an FDA cleared AI-assisted add-on system enabling short MRI protocols, on any MRI scanner model, while maintaining or improving image quality.
- 31% scan time reduction (average, all scanners) was achieved without degradation of image quality
- Productivity increased by 20% e.g from 1,560 patients in February 2019 to 1,860 patients in February 2020.